6:30 PM18:30

Wine Tasting

Benefit Event: Wine Tasting

Noh Society (a nonprofit, cultural and educational organization) is holding a wine tasting led by Sylvain Bouteillé, a French wine lover and maker, on Friday February 22nd, 2019.

This event is to raise funds for our cultural and educational programs, The world of Noh “The Blossoming Spirits”: Lecture-Performance with Kinue Oshima who is the first Kita School female member of the Noh Performers’ Association. This program is scheduled for Washington DC on April 30th and in New York on May 2nd.

Arts such as Noh have long and illustrious histories in Japan, and provide deep insights into Japanese culture. We believe that bringing artists from these traditions - designated as “Intangible Cultural Heritage” by UNESCO - to the US, provides opportunities for deepening the understanding between the US and Japan.

Thank you in advance for your support.

We truly hope to see you there!


Date: Friday February 22, 2019

Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Venue: address provided with tickets purchase

Price: $150 (including a raffle ticket and $100 is tax deductible)

Ticket Online: https://tasting.brownpapertickets.com


Raffle Prizes:

•    Shichiken Junmai Sake 720 ml (International Wine Challenge 2018 Silver Medal)

•    Shichiken Honjyozo Sake 720 ml

•    Dassai 23 Junmai Daiginjo Sake 720 ml

•    Dassai 50 Sparkling Nigori Sake 360 ml

Shichiken is a premier brewery with over 300 years of history in Yamanashi.

Dassai is planning to build on its international recognition and open a brewery in Hyde Park, NY in 2019


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6:30 PM18:30

Noh Dance Performance & Wine Tasting

Noh Society (a nonprofit, cultural and educational organization) is holding a benefit event of Noh dance performance by Mayo Miwa and wine tasting led by Sylvain Bouteillé who is a French wine lover and maker on Friday March 24th, 2017.

This event is to raise funds for our cultural and educational programs "The Heart of Kyogen II: Lecture - Performance" which will be held at Engelmann Recital Hall (One Bernard Baruch Way New York, NY) and New York University in September 2017.

We strongly believe that promoting Japanese arts in New York is a noble mission and can help developing a mutual understanding between the people of the U.S and Japan. We are also proud to support Japanese artists who dedicate their lives to maintain Japanese and often family traditions.

Thank you in advance for your support.

We truly hope to see you there!


Date: Friday March 24th, 2017 6:30pm

Venue: Studio 303

520 West 27th Street Suite 303 New York, NY 10001

Price: $150 ($100 tax deductible)

Tickets are available at https://noh-and-wine.eventbrite.com

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1:30 PM13:30

Japanese Teas and Sweets Tasting

Demonstration of how to make Daifuku

Tas1ng of 3 different kinds of Tea and pairing Sweets

Fujiko Aoki who owns MOCHI RIN (hIp://www.rin-nyc.com) will demonstrate how to make Daifuku, a tradi1onal Japanese confec1on that transforms rice and red beans into a liIle mouthful of sweets, tradi1onally to accompany tea. She will also offer pairing sweets.

Stefen Ramirez, tea specialist and owner of Tea Dealers (hIps://www.tea-dealers.com) will offer a tea tasting of premium teas from Nara made by a 9th genera1on tea producer. His tea has won many awards and is considered one of the highest quality in Japan and Tea Dealers is the only company in America to carry this amazing selection.

Yamawarau Karigane, Shun-min Hojicha, and Tamayura Kabuse

Please come and taste 3 different kinds of tea and pairing sweets!
For each par1cipant we will offer a gift of 50g Karigane Tea to bring back home and enjoy it again.


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10:30 AM10:30




知っている様で知らないTEAの基本知識をキュッとまとめて学びます3種類のTEA とSWEETSのマリアージュも合わせてお楽しみください

・TEA とは何か       紅茶・緑茶・白茶の違い

・代表的な茶葉産地の解説   アッサム・ダージリン・スリランカ

・美味しい紅茶の淹れ方    試飲:アッサム・ダージリン・アールグレイ


林原真澄(ハヤシハラ マスミ)

 在阪放送局退社ののち、2003年よりロンドン在住2011年より5年間英国紅茶会社「JING TEA」アンバサ ダーとして英国及び日本においてティーセミナーイベントを多数行う日本のトップホテルにてスタッ フを対象にTEA知識向上を目的としたトレーニングアフタヌーンティーについてのアドバイスを行う2012年に拠点をNYに移す

2012年より2年間月刊英国情報誌「mr.partner 」にて「イギリス流紅茶の楽しみ方」を連載(下記 参照 2013/4/10 発売号)


Email ma.hayashihara@gmail.com

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6:00 PM18:00

Wine Tasting

We are holding a benefit event of wine tasting led by Sylvain Bouteillé who is a French amateur wine lover and maker on Friday June 3rd, 2016. This event is to raise money for our cultural and educational programs "The Heart of Kyogen : Lecture - Demonstration - Performance" which will be held at Tenri Cultural Institute and Hunter College in October 2016.

Thank you in advance for your support. We strongly believe that promoting Japanese arts in New York is a noble mission and can help developing a mutual understanding between the people of the U.S and Japan. We also proud to support Japanese artists who dedicate their lives to maintain Japanese and often family traditions.

We truly hope to see you there!

Price: $150 ($100 tax deductible)

We will provide the location to registered participants.




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