EXPERIENCE THE JOYOUS LAUGHTER OF KYOGEN, the Japanese classical comic theater which seeks out the humor in people’s daily lives!
Noh Society will present a lecture- demonstration - performance featuring 26th generation Okura School Kyogen actors, Noriyoshi Okura and Daijiro Zenchiku. To demystify this profound 650-year-old Japanese art form, they will present a lecture about the various performance elements of Kyogen, including stage effects and sound effects. After the Kyogen actors demonstrate the intricate and efficient manner in which they put on their costumes, they will perform a Kyogen play “BONSAN” which tells the story of a dull-witted, amateur thief.
Daijiro Zenchiku
Born in 1981, Daijiro Zenchiku is a Kyogen Actor of Okura School. He is a member of the Noh Performers’ Association. He began his training under both his late grandfather Keigoro Zenchiku and his father Juro Zenchiku. At the age of five, Daijiro made his stage debut in the role of LiOle Monkey in the play Utsubozaru. After that he has performed major works such as Sanbaso, Nasu, and Tsurigitsune.
In addition to perform at Noh Theaters, he is very active in promoting Kyogen for students of elementary, junior high and high schools in Japan and in participating to tours abroad as well. He graduated from the department of literature, national literature of Komazawa University. He also teaches Kyogen at Kurashiki Sakuyo University and Komazawa University as an adjunct professor.
2007: With his father Juro Zenchiku, he was invited to perform kyogen Bonsan and Boshibari in Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for the Commemorative events of the 100th Anniversary of Japanese Immigration to Brazil.
2011: He joined Sakurama-kai Noh performing tour in Portugal (Lisbon)
2012: He joined Sakurama-kai Noh performing tour in Denmark (Copenhagen) and Israel (Tel Aviv)
2014: He dedicated Kyogen Onigawara to the god of Meiji shrine
2015: He produced Kyogen “Christmas Carol” based on “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens in collaboration with western instruments, a violin, an accordion and a contrabass and played 5 roles in it.
noriyoshi okura
Born in 1981, Noriyoshi Okura is a Kyogen actor of the Okura school and a member of the Noh Performers’ Association. From childhood, he received training from both his grandfather, Okura Yaemon XXIV, and his father, Okura Kichijiro II. At the age of four, Noriyoshi made his stage debut in the role of child in Narihiramochi. He graduated from History Course at the Literature Department of Komazawa University. He has already performed several masterpieces of Kyogen such as Nasu, Sanbaso, Tsurikitsune, and Hanago
To connect with a young audience, Noriyoshi along with his cousins Sentaro and Motonari has formed a young Kyogen performers group in 2003 called SHIN.
In addition to the performances at Noh theaters throughout Japan, he actively engages in lectures and other activities to promote Kyogen at school for students. To spread information about his art, he also organizes Kyogen classes and Kyogen LABO where he introduces, demonstrates and performs Kyogen.
2004: Performed a play DOROBO TO WAKADONO as one of main actors at the theater TEORIZA
2007: Started organizing Kyogen classes where amateurs learn Kyogen and have presentation sessions.
2009-2011: played a role on TV drama SAKA NO UE NO KUMO
2011: Started organizing KANJIN Kyogen which is charity performances held at temples to support for 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami relief funds.
2012: Started organizing ODASHIKI Kyogen which is a performance held at traditional Japanese restaurants.
2013: Started organizing Kyogen LABO where he gives a lecture, a demonstration and a performance at any place but Theaters.