Experience Noh - a Workshop

Friday, March 9th, 2018 at 7PM

Tenri Cultural Institute

43A W13th St. New York, NY 10011


In conjunction with “The Sound of Breathing” Noh Society will host an “Experience Noh” workshop on March 9th (Friday) at the Tenri Cultural Center.

This workshop will be led by the internationally acclaimed Kanze School Noh performers Yoshinari Shimizu and Nobuyuki Kizuki, together with the 16th generation “kotsuzumi” (small hand drum) master Genjiro Okura.

In addition to instruction in Noh chanting and movement, there will be opportunities to wear Noh masks. Walking the stage with the restricted vision of a mask, accompanied by the sound of chanting and drums, will give a glimpse into the altered sense of time and space within Noh. An explanation of costumes and a demonstration of how they are worn will round out the event.

Attendance is limited to 20 - payment in cash or personal check at the door


Please register here.